Mons (Hainaut), Belgium

On this page you can add a memo about Mons , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

Mons Photo album

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Born and died in Mons

Mons was the place of start/arrival for:


1892 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Georges Van Oolen
1892 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Georges Van Oolen
1893 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Eugène Spalart
1893 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Eugène Spalart
1907 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Robert Wancour
1907 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Eugène Platteau
1907 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Robert Wancour
1907 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Eugène Platteau
1936 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Frans Bonduel
1936 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Frans Bonduel
1937 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Gustaaf De Loor
1937 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Gustaaf De Loor
1938 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Marcel Kint
1938 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Marcel Kint
1939 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Prosper Depredomme
1939 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Prosper Depredomme
1947 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Attilio Redolfi
1947 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Attilio Redolfi
1948 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : André Rosseel
1948 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : André Rosseel
1955 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Lucien Acou
1955 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Lucien Acou
1960 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Emiel Verheyden
1960 Place of departure and arravial for Mons : Emiel Verheyden

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