VZW De Molenspurters Meulebeke 2018           

Name of the teamVZW De Molenspurters Meulebeke
from - until 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2018
Category UCINat

Team Composition

 Blom, Kenneth
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Bouvry, Kenny
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Cappelle, Maxim
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Chevrolet, Arne
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Cornette, Lucas
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Delaere, Jens
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Deruwez, Kevin
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Derynck, Peter
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Devlieghere, Tibo
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Heytens, Maxim
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Mahieu, Mathias
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Rosseeuw, Robin
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Vandenheede, Brecht
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Vanhee, Arne
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Vansteenkiste, Mathieu
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Verdonck, Loeka
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Verhoeyen, Brecht
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018
 Vervaeke, Aäron
from 01-01-2018 until 31-12-2018

Victories this year

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