La Rochelle (Poitou-Charentes), France

On this page you can add a memo about La Rochelle , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

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Born and died in La Rochelle

La Rochelle was the place of start/arrival for:

Tour de France

1905 Place of arrival for 8º stage Tour de France : Hippolyte Aucouturier
1905 Place of departure for 9º stage Tour de France : Louis Trousselier
1911 Place of arrival for 11º stage Tour de France : Paul Duboc
1911 Place of departure for 12º stage Tour de France : Marcel Godivier
1912 Place of arrival for 11º stage Tour de France : Jean Alavoine
1912 Place of departure for 12º stage Tour de France : Louis Heusghem
1913 Place of arrival for 4º stage Tour de France : Marcel Buysse
1913 Place of departure for 5º stage Tour de France : Henri Van Lerberghe
1914 Place of arrival for 4º stage Tour de France : Oscar Egg
1914 Place of departure for 5º stage Tour de France : Oscar Egg
1933 Place of arrival for 20º stage Tour de France : Jean Aerts
1933 Place of departure for 21º stage Tour de France : Jean Aerts
1934 Place of arrival for 20º stage Tour de France : Georges Speicher
1934 Place of departure for 21º stage part a Tour de France : René Le Grevès
1935 Place of arrival for 18º stage part b Tour de France : André Leducq
1935 Place of departure for 19º stage part a Tour de France : René Le Grevès
1936 Place of arrival for 18º stage part b Tour de France : Sylvère Maes
1936 Place of departure for 19º stage part a Tour de France : Marcel Kint
1937 Place of arrival for 17º stage part c Tour de France : Roger Lapébie
1937 Place of departure for 18º stage part a Tour de France : Roger Lapébie
1938 Place of arrival for 4º stage part b Tour de France : Éloi Meulenberg
1938 Place of departure for 4º stage part c Tour de France : Félicien Vervaecke
1939 Place of arrival for 6º stage part a Tour de France : Lucien Storme
1939 Place of departure for 6º stage part b Tour de France : Edmond Pagès
1948 Place of arrival for 4º stage Tour de France : Jacques Pras
1948 Place of departure for 5º stage Tour de France : Raoul Rémy
1949 Place of arrival for 7º stage Tour de France : Fausto Coppi
1949 Place of departure for 8º stage Tour de France : Guy Lapébie
1956 Place of arrival for 8º stage Tour de France : Miguel Poblet
1956 Place of departure for 9º stage Tour de France : Roger Hassenforder
1959 Place of arrival for 7º stage Tour de France : Roger Hassenforder
1959 Place of departure for 8º stage Tour de France : Michel Dejouhannet
1962 Place of arrival for 8º stage part b Tour de France : Jacques Anquetil
1962 Place of departure for 9º stage Tour de France : Antonio Bailetti
1965 Place of arrival for 7º stage Tour de France : Edward Sels
1965 Place of departure for 8º stage Tour de France : Jo De Roo
1970 Place of arrival for 1º stage Tour de France : Cyrille Guimard
1970 Place of departure for 2º stage Tour de France : Italo Zilioli
1983 Place of departure for 8º stage Tour de France : Bert Oosterbosch

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